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An Ancient Nation, Looking Forward

Armenia has maintained its cultural identity for thousands of years through the rise and fall of neighboring empires. Today, more than 1 million Armenians live in Europe, with 8 million diaspora worldwide. As a democratic nation with Christian heritage, Armenia shares common values with Switzerland, and has developed strong bilateral relations on a range of important issues.

GSA - Switzerland Armenia Association - Logo 350

Stronger Together

We give a powerful voice to Armenian interests in all of Switzerland through political lobbying, network building, cultural exchange, and media engagement. We are a donor-funded, nonprofit NGO.
Flag of Switzerland and Armenia

Key Issues

Sarkis Shahinian und Dominique de Buman - GSA - Gesellschaft Schweiz-Armenien


We foster and promote friendly relations between Switzerland and Armenia in the cultural, economic, social and political spheres. Highlights of our activities include creation of the Parliamentary Friendship Group Switzerland-Armenia (PGArm), bilateral foreign delegation visits, and formation of the Switzerland-Armenia Chamber of Commerce to facilitate international business.

SOCAR Tankstelle - Migrolino - GSA - Gesellschaft Schweiz-Armenien


Azerbaijan is a dangerous and corrupt autocracy which oppresses its people and wages war on its neighbors. Their state oil company, SOCAR, operates fuel stations, Migrolino franchises, and other energy services in Switzerland. Every Swiss Franc taken by SOCAR directly finances the destruction of democracy and human rights. Swiss consumers demand better. Join our movement to STOP SOCAR and purchase responsibly.

Armenia - Arzach - Denkmal - GSA - Gesellschaft Schweiz-Armenien


Artsakh, also known as Nagorno-Karabakh, has been inhabited by Armenians for thousands of years. Its people have been fighting for reunification with Armenia for nearly a century, after it was split by Stalin and the USSR. Today the region has been violently annexed by Azerbaijan, a corrupt and anti-democratic regime. We support the right of self-determination for the people of Artsakh.

Swiss politics and foreign aid - GSA


Helping hands for Armenian development

Bern Bundeshaus - GSA - Gesellschaft Schweiz-Armenien


Engaging via the democratic process

Armenischer Genozid - Denkmal - GSA - Gesellschaft Schweiz-Armenien


Recognizing the atrocity

Armenien - Granatapfel - GSA - Gesellschaft Schweiz-Armenien


Goals for a better tomorrow

Armenia and Switzerland share many of the same values, dreams and goals. Discover more of the challenges we face together.

Support Armenian Issues in Switzerland

Your contributions help to educate, organize communities, promote specific campaigns, and maintain a meaningful media voice. Together we can make a difference.  
Armenian girls in Armenian traditional dress - GSA

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