Support Armenian Issues in Switzerland.
Donate today.

Your contributions help the GSA to educate, engage with political and business decision-makers, organize communities, promote specific campaigns, and maintain a meaningful media voice.


As a small, non-profit organization, we rely upon friends like you for financial support to capitalize our efforts and advance our causes. Just as our voice reflects your values, our strength depends on your devotion. Together we can make a difference.


Make a one-time or a recurring donation today.

Why Support Us?

Since 1998, the GSA has developed a small, yet strong, grassroots organization which has become a powerful voice for the Armenian community. The active challenges to our homeland and heritage continue to grow, and we face adversaries who are well-funded and unrelenting. And yet, our opportunities grow as well. Your support helps us to defend human rights and fight for Armenian issues both in Switzerland and internationally.    

Where is Your Money Going? 

Your generous contributions allow us to:


  • Engage Swiss media through our articles and press releases
  • Counter harmful Azeri and Turkish propaganda
  • Organize public gatherings and demonstrations
  • Represent Armenia at schools and social organizations
  • Maintain an important presence at UN and EU congresses
  • Educate the Swiss population on the position and challenges of Armenia’s people
  • Inform various audiences through reports and fact sheets


In addition, the GSA operates PGArm, one of the most active inter-parliamentary groups in the Swiss Parliament, where we:


  • Participate in governmental hearings & sessions
  • Plan and participate in parliamentary trips to Armenia and Karabakh
  • Organize international peace and trade missions
  • Support Swiss politicians to champion Armenian issues
  • Lobby for humanitarian and development aid


All this is presently done on a bootstrap and voluntary basis, but material costs, including legal consultation and advice, as well as maintaining our corporate presence and communications such as our website and social media are real and growing.

Why Switzerland? 

Although the Armenian population in Switzerland is relatively small, our mission here is critical. Switzerland is a global economic hub, and leads the world in NGO’s and socio-political institutions such as the UN and its various bodies. Switzerland and Armenia are valuable trading partners for each other, and Switzerland actively provides humanitarian and development aid to Armenia and the entire Caucus region.


Our activities are well-known and well-respected by Swiss officials. The GSA is seen by the Swiss public as a reliable partner related to Armenian issues. We are committed to realizing and expanding upon each of these roles and responsibilities. But this will not be possible without your support.

How else can you help? 

Join us to discover other great ways to support our important mission. Attend an event. Follow us on social media. Volunteer. Sign up to our mailing list. Spread the word. Together we can make a difference. 

Armenian girls in Armenian traditional dress - GSA

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