Promoting Armenia’s value in Switzerland through the political process

We engage with the Swiss political process at all levels, from cities and cantons to parliament and international activities, to educate, build networks, and promote Armenian interests at home and abroad. We educate Swiss citizens about Armenian issues, and urge our community to take political action. We also promote involvement of both State and non-governmental bodies to support Armenian development programs.

Helping hands for Armenian development

The Switzerland-Armenia Association (GSA), together with the Parliamentary Friendship Group Switzerland-Armenia (PGArm), engages with the Swiss political process at all levels, from cities and cantons to parliament and international activities, in order to educate, build networks, and promote Armenian interests at home and abroad.    


We endeavor to secure foreign aid for development projects through private, governmental, and NGO sources. Armenia is a developing country, and it receives one of the highest levels of international aid per capita in the Western world, and among the highest of the post-Soviet states.


Peacebuilding, democracy, the rule of law and human rights have been prioritized for the Armenia program under Switzerland’s 2017–20 cooperation strategy for the South Caucasus, which include Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.


Switzerland is assisting the government of Armenia with planned territorial and administrative reforms, as well as providing support to ensure better market access for farmers in southern Armenia and increase long-term employment opportunities in rural areas. 


Details for various Swiss-Armenian foreign aid and development programs can be found below.

Our Actions

We engage and educate State actors and NGO’s about Armenia, its values, and the challenges it faces. As a developing economy, we are grateful for support by those who see Armenia’s bright future. Switzerland is actively involved in a large number of development projects in Armenian and the Caucuses on the topics of sustainability and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Please visit our page on Sustainability for more information.

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Armenian girls in Armenian traditional dress - GSA

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